Ideal For Mums

Ideal For Mums


Jenny gets back into pre-baby shape at Body Buzz

I’m not usually one to share my personal experiences, but in this case I felt I should make an exception. I believe there are other mums out there who could benefit. Two other mums told me about Body Buzz. They said it was short and easy and it worked so I decided to take advantage of the free trial workout.

I really wanted to get my tummy muscles back

Before we started a family I was one of the local veterinarians here in Te Awamutu. Over the last 11 years I’ve had 6 caesarians and I really wanted to get my tummy muscles back. To tell you the truth I was dubious about getting any results after such a short and easy workout. However when you’ve got 5 kids to look after there isn’t much time left for yourself and so it seemed like my only option. I take the two youngest with me to Body Buzz and they watch me do my thing. It’s not too long for them and they are enjoying it so far. The level of help at Body Buzz is good and so is the exercise and nutrition information.

Sometimes exercise is not good

What Marty says on his DVD makes total sense and I could relate to it. It took me back to the overweight pets I used to get at the clinic. With the conceived belief that lack of exercise was the problem some owners would force their obese pets to exercise. When you over exercise the overweight you put an extreme amount of stress on the heart muscle. What the animal really needed was a suitable nutrition plan. Clearly the conventional wisdom about nutrition is not working. Marty’s view is that when we feed ourselves correctly we’ll get our energy back. Then, instead of forcing our tired bodies to exercise, we’ll actually feel like and want to do something active. Based on new information Marty helped me work out a nutrition plan that fitted my lifestyle and the foods I like to eat. I got my energy back pretty quickly and I feel really good. It’s only been 4 weeks so far but already I’ve lost over 5kgs of body fat. Best of all, my waist has shrunk almost 7cms. I’ve also lost my sugar craving which is interesting. The other night we went out and I resisted the marshmallows and chocolate. I just didn’t feel like them!


The testimonials on this website are given freely without payment or compensation simply because they wish to help other people. Please note that one person’s experience is not a guarantee, promise or reflection of the feelings of every user and results may vary from person to person.