Rose lost 37kg

Rose lost 37kg the Body Buzz way

Rose Before Photo 2-489-775-719-621SAM 0372-687

“I have been overweight and depressed most of my life. I tried to lose weight a couple of times but in the end I just accepted that being overweight was my lot in life. I would see the Body Buzz weight loss stories in the Te Awamutu courier but I was very sceptical. I used to think “Yeah right” it might work for those people but it won’t work for me. I decided to have a free consultation at Body Buzz because I had heard that the vibration machines made you feel good. Sure enough after my very first workout I noticed that my anxiety and tension had improved so I joined”

Lost more than 1 kilo every week

“I had heard so many different things about nutrition that I was confused but when I watched Marty’s weight loss DVD’s all my questions were answered. I was inspired to have another go at losing weight again and after 3 weeks I was very surprised to see I had lost 7 kilograms of fat. I have continued to lose, on average, more than a kilo every week since then. I’ve lost over 37 kilos in 9 months and my whole outlook on life has changed. I’m really glad I was coaxed into having my measurements done when I first started because it’s been really motivating to see the results”

It’s such a powerful feeling to be in control

“The biggest difference between Body Buzz and other weight loss places is that Marty can also help people with their emotions and food cravings by using a technique called EFT. I used to eat sweet stuff every day because I needed it to make me feel good. Now that I have lost that addiction I can walk passed the cakes and chocolates in the super market and I’m not even interested. It’s such a powerful feeling to be in control. I look back now and wonder how sugary food had such a hold on me"


The testimonials on this website are given freely without payment or compensation simply because they wish to help other people. Please note that one person’s experience is not a guarantee, promise or reflection of the feelings of every user and results may vary from person to person.